In the heart of the Corrèze forest

In the heart of the Corrèze forest

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Which do you prefer? The softness of the deciduous forests, the mysteries of the coniferous undergrowth, the landscape of the heath moors…
Once you have admired the bell tower, unique in France, discover the Corrèze forest with its hardwood and softwood plantations. Then follow in the footsteps of the villagers who returned to the village along a magnificent ridgeline wooded with oak and beech trees where holly has an important place. The forest is home to many birds and wild animals which you can observe during the hike.


Departing from the church of Palisse following the road to Neuvic. Go past the Vianon.
  1. At the crossroads, turn right towards Moulin de Chassagne, then left on the path that goes up the hill. Ignore several paths on your right. Once past the funeral monument, the path becomes a track that you follow for 200 m.
  2. At the first crossroads, leave the track to fork left onto a long path that passes beneath an electricity pylon and continues to Pellassiauve.
  3. In the village, turn right, then left towards Malsagne. At the crossroads, turn left; pass in front of the panorama. At the next crossroads, go straight on for a few metres and then turn to the right onto a forest path. After quite a long time, and after a meadow, turn right onto an inconspicuous path goes through a cutting in the woods and continues straight on to the road.
  4. Take that road on the left, leave it heading for Champier and enter the village of Baratout.
  5. At the junction, turn left and then take the grassy path immediately to the right. It goes into the forest. Turn right at the crossroads with the multi-branched beech tree.
  6. When you reach the road, turn right then left at the departmental road. Pass the Vianon again, leave the road to Palisse-Haute on the right, then, 200 m further on, take an uphill path on the right. Follow it straight ahead, alongside the meadows and then the campsite.
  7. Take the road to the left and then, 100 m after, take another path on the right.
  8. On the road, continue to the left for 300 m, then follow a track to the right. At the end of the track, before the grassy path, follow an inconspicuous path on the left that rejoins the road. Turn right to get back to the starting point.
  • Departure : Church, Palisse
  • Arrival : Church, Palisse
  • Towns crossed : Palisse and Neuvic


Altimetric profile

Information desks

1 Rue de la Tour des Cinq Pierres, 19160 Neuvic 19 60 00 30

Access and parking

From Neuvic, follow the D47 towards Palisse. From Meymac, follow the D36 towards Tulle. At the D1089, headed towards Ussel then follow the D47 towards Palisse.

Parking :

Church, Palisse

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