The Troupine Path

The Troupine Path

Heritage site and architecture
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The Troupine Path takes you to discover the rural heritage of Lioux les Monges and its villages.
Lioux Les Monges illustrates the evolution of the habitat at the end of the 19th century, under the influence of the return of the Masons from Creuse. The buildings, made of local granite, are examples of meticulous workmanship.

3 points of interest

  • Heritage site

    St Martial's Church

    Built in the 12th century and enlarged in the 14th, the church of St Martial has a bell-tower-wall and on the vault of the choir a 20th-century mural painting depicting the Resurrection of Christ.
    It is registered as a historic monument.

  • Heritage site

    Lioux les Monges Cemetery

    The cemetery of Lioux les Monges is unusual in that it is laid out on a slope, and has a characteristic that gives the cemeteries of the Creuse region their identity: "the glass chapels". They make it possible to protect the gravestones while distinguishing them from other burials.
  • Legend

    Fontaine des Pêchers

    According to tradition, a mysterious voice, speaking the local dialect, attracted passers-by and invited them to come and drink. Children were then forbidden to go near it.


  1. Leave the Jardin de la Cure on the left and continue straight ahead towards the cemetery.
  2. Take the path on the left towards "Sagne aux Fraisses" until you reach the road and then turn right.
  3. Follow this road for 200 m as far as the crossroads.
  4. Turn left towards Montel au Temple; About 50 m before "Le Pont", turn right to Troupine.
  5. Take the road on the right towards "Les Pêchers", and after the village, turn left towards the stables until you get to "La Côte".
  6. Turn left towards "Fontaine St Martial" to reach Lioux les Monges.
  • Departure : Place de l'église, Lioux les Monges
  • Arrival : Place de l'église, Lioux les Monges
  • Towns crossed : Lioux-les-Monges


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Rue de l'Etang, 23700 Auzances

05 55 67 04 99

Access and parking

From Mérinchal, take the D 27 to go to Chard then head towards Chassaing to reach Lioux les Monges.

Parking :

Place de l'église, Lioux les Monges


Emergency number :112

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