The Château du Theil

The Château du Theil

Heritage site and architecture
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The commune of St Agnant près Crocq invites you to take a stroll between history and panoramic views, with stops at Montgouyard, the Chapel of St Michel and the Château du Theil.
Along the paths that wind between the ponds and lakes and the beech woods, this circuit takes you from St Agnant près Crocq to the Château du Theil, via the Chapel of St Michel, the highest point in the commune, with a panoramic view of the region.

3 points of interest

  • Small patrimony

    The Le Montgouyard sundial

    At Le Montgouyard is a sundial dated 1886 and made with lime paint. The house once belonged to Lord Galmaud de Magnat l'Etrange.
  • Heritage site

    St Michel's Chapel

    Built in the 15th century on the initiative of Guillaume d'Aubusson, Lord of the manor of Theil, it was destroyed by fire and rebuilt in 1634. The chapel was restored in 1870 and its slate roof in 2019.
  • Heritage site

    Château du Theil

    Built in the 15th century, the château was significantly altered in the 19th century and has a beautiful structure, like a ship's hull. It served as a refuge for children during the Second World War and for the then Prefect of Creuse, appointed by the Free French.  The mill built on the Theil stream between 1773 and 1840 may have depended on it.


  1. At the church, turn right towards Magnat-l'Etrange.
  2. 350 m after the pond, take a path on the left in the underbrush.
  3. Go up a path lined with ancient low stone walls on the left.
  4. At Morneix, go down and to the right.
  5. Turn left at the intersection
  6. Take the road to the right. In a bend, after the village, follow a woodland path on the left.
  7. At the first branch, go down the sunken path on the left and at the second one continue on the left.
  8. Just before the D29, go up a path on the right.
  9. In Montgouyard, take a track opposite towards the chapel of St Michel.
  10. At the cross, descend to the right. The path veers to the left before narrowing. At Le Besth, follow the road straight on.
  11. Then take the first path on the right.
  12. Cut across the D31, and follow the road beside the lake. At the end, go up the path on the right.
  13. At the branch in the path, turn left to the road and then take two right turns to reach the town hall.
  • Departure : Town Hall, St Agnant près Crocq
  • Arrival : Town Hall, St Agnant près Crocq
  • Towns crossed : Saint-Agnant-près-Crocq


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Rue de l'Etang, 23700 Auzances

05 55 67 04 99

Access and parking

10 km from Crocq via the D 996.

Parking :

Town Hall, St Agnant près Crocq


Emergency number :112

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