Bourdeau pond peat bog discovery trail

Bourdeau pond peat bog discovery trail

Fauna et flora
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The peat bog of the Bourdeau pond takes its name from its former owner.
A site that is part of the Regional Natural Park of Millevaches discovery and interpretation network in Limousin.

2 points of interest

  • Fauna

    Peatland Insects

    Recent inventories have shown that this site is particularly rich in insects (beetles and dragonflies in particular). Rare species such as the Northern Emerald dragonfly and the Dainty damselfly are present.
  • Flora

    Andromeda polifolia, the bog rosemary

    This small shrub lives only in acidic peat bogs with sphagnum moss up to 1500 m altitude. Present only in three sectors in Limousin, it is rare and protected. The numerous stands present on this site make it an exceptional place to see the plant. Its pink bells appear towards the end of spring.


With a surface area of 39 ha, this peat bog pond classified Natura 2000, protected by a prefectural decree of biotope protection, presents a variety of peaty environments richly biodiverse.
  • Departure : Car park at the Bourdeau pond
  • Arrival : Car park at the Bourdeau pond
  • Towns crossed : Saint-Pardoux-Morterolles


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Access and parking

D8, 8 km from Bourganeuf.

Parking :

Car park at the Bourdeau pond (D13)

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