Path of the Crosses
Path of the Crosses
Positive Elevation-129m
Negative ElevationLoop
Course typeYellow markers
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From Chénérailles head towards Issoudun Létrieix by the D 990 then the D 7.From monolithic granite to wrought iron, set off to discover the crosses along the paths of this commune which has managed to preserve its local heritage.
3 points of interest
- Small patrimony
The first role of a cross is to Christianise a place. Wayside crosses, therefore, bear witness above all to the progress of Christianity and the presence of the Church. They are placed on the edge of a roadway, often on the site of a pagan place of worship, to erase its practices. It is also a way of protecting the surrounding crops and an opportunity to say a short prayer before or after work. The crossroads is also a very specific place to put a cross that can also serve as a territorial limit. - Small patrimony
Fountain-drinking trough of the Château de Haute-Faye
The château of Haute-Faye is mentioned on the Cassini map in the 18th century. The drinking fountain is carved into its surrounding wall and was used to supply the herds on their way to the Chénérailles fair. - Heritage site
The church and the Gallo-Roman skullcap
13th-century church in Romanesque style. Exhibition of granite objects nearby including Gallo-Roman steles. These are standing stones on which were placed inscriptions intended to preserve the memory of an event. They could also be used as markers.
- Head towards the cemetery and go straight on for about 2 km.
- Turn right, cross the road, the D 7, and take the first turning on the right.
- Take a further stretch of the road on the right and take the first right.
- Turn right and go straight on until you reach the hamlet of La Grande Maison Neuve.
- At the end of the hamlet, turn left and go straight on for about 2 km until you reach the road.
- Continue on the road to the right and go straight on until you reach the hamlet of Haute Faye.
- Turn right and then take the first path on the left; go straight ahead as far as the road and turn left to reach Issoudun Létrieix.
- Departure : Church Square, Issoudun-Létrieix
- Arrival : Church Square, Issoudun-Létrieix
- Towns crossed : Issoudun-Létrieix
Altimetric profile
Information desks
Rue de l'Etang, 23700 Auzances
Access and parking
From Chénérailles head towards Issoudun Létrieix by the D 990 then the D 7.
Parking :
Church Square, Issoudun-Létrieix
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