The Ponds

The Ponds

Lakes and rivers
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Come and discover the flora and fauna of the Mazièrois lakes, nestled in the heart of the woods.
Viers, Montsour, Les Ganes, Le Grenouiller and Trompette welcome walkers and nature lovers. This is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful hikes in this sector of the Haute-Corrèze and its famous ponds and lakes. This hike is ideal in all seasons for a family with young children.

5 points of interest

  • Pond

    Etang de Viers - village of Lamazière

    Although this hike starts from the Viers lake (7 ha), be sure to return to the village of Lamazière-Basse, to explore its church, which is dedicated to St-Barthélémy and the old presbytery which has become the town hall.
  • Pond

    Etang de Montsour

    The Montsour lake (11 ha) is a classified site surrounded by woods and meadows. Be sure to make the round trip to an old wooden shelter, known  locally as La Pergola. A text from the immediate post-war period indicated that during the summer months canoeists and swimmers would meet on the serene shores of this body of water.
  • Pond

    Etang des Ganes

    Haute-Corrèze is often identified as France’s water tower because of the many rivers that have their sources there. It is also rich in a multitude of ponds and lakes. All artificial, they were created by humans, who most often dammed a stream at the end of a wetland, mainly for fishing. This is, of course, the case of the Ganes lake (1.5 ha.), famous for its trout.
  • Pond

    Grenouiller lake

    This 4,000 m² lake is undoubtedly the wildest of the five bodies of water on this walk. It is a splendid observation point for waterfowl and amphibians. The shallow depth of this lake is undergoing eutrophication: in other words, the plants are growing and will fill the available space in the water. This body of water will become successively swamp, then wet meadow.
  • Pond

    Etang de la Trompette

    A final opportunity for a "lake break" at the edge of the Trompette lake (1 ha) with a name to inspire the imagination.


The itinerary starts at the small car park on the edge of the Etang de Viers. Take the small road on the dyke then, on the right, take the path which goes up the lake.

  1. Before you reach the woods, take the path on the right that runs alongside the meadow and then go up to the road. Opposite, go back as far as the hut by the lake at Montsour.
  2. Take this road on your left for 800 m, ignoring the track leading to the stadium on your left, and then the Trompette road. After the houses, take a left turn onto a woodland track; go right at the next crossroads. At the road, turn left for 100m and then right at the next track to reach the Etang des Ganes.
  3. Walk alongside the lake by the footbridge then go up by the tarmac track as far as the village. In the village, take the road to the left and then to the right after the last house. At the next crossroads, turn right to Bouix. Take the departmental B-road on the left for 100m. Then, at the end of the straight section, the road on the left.
  4. This path runs alongside the Etang du Grenouiller. Go straight on at the next crossroads to reach the Trompette lake. Go over the dam. Continue to the hamlet of Viers. Continue straight on to reach the starting point again.
  • Departure : Parking on the edge of the Viers lake, Lamazière-Basse
  • Arrival : Parking on the edge of the Viers lake, Lamazière-Basse
  • Towns crossed : Lamazière-Basse


Altimetric profile


Some passages are muddy during rainy periods.

Information desks

1 Rue de la Tour des Cinq Pierres, 19160 Neuvic 19 60 00 30

Access and parking

Parking on the edge of the In Neuvic, follow the road to Mauriac, then the D 991 to Lamazière-Basse. In Lamazière, head towards Egletons, then turn left towards Combressol - Etang de Viers.Viers lake, Lamazière-Basse

Parking :

Parking on the edge of the Viers lake, Lamazière-Basse

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