A stroll through Chamberet

A stroll through Chamberet

Heritage site and architecture
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A circuit that allows you to discover the attractions of Chamberet and its surroundings, as you walk through the deciduous forests and meadows.
From the arboretum to the viewpoints overlooking the Monédières and the traditional architecture, this circuit presents many points of interest, including the church and its treasure, and the Gallo-Roman funeral urns.

5 points of interest

  • Site visit

    House of the Tree at Chamberet

    Created in 1999 on the initiative of Doctor Nicaud, mayor of Chamberet from 1965 to 2001, the Maison de l’Arbre, the Tree House, is located at the entrance of the Chamberet arboretum.
    Here, you can explore the world of bees, the fauna & flora of our forests, the making of cider and the transformation of the apple, the making of wooden clogs, etc. The arboretum, meanwhile, covers 18 hectares of natural landscape and is composed of more than 100 varieties of native and exotic species, as well as a fruticetum growing 76 varieties of apples. It also allows you to observe birds near the educational pond, to meet fallow deer around the Napoleonic fisheries or to visit the animal garden and the scented garden.
  • Small patrimony

    Old Oven

    This bread oven, known as “de l’Angle”, dates from the second half of the 19th century and probably bears its name because of its location; at the convergence of two paths: a sunken path, onto which the bread oven opens (south lateral wall), and a road, probably more recent, which passes behind the oven. The oven owner oversaw its use, and the villagers brought him their bread to bake on baking days. It was during the reign of Saint-Louis, in the 13th century, that the town over owners and providers were given the title of bakers.
  • Fauna

    Deer park

    The European fallow deer (Dama dama) is a ruminant artiodactyl mammal of the deer family. The fallow deer is a medium-sized animal. Only the male bears antlers (palmate), which it sheds each year in April/May. The buck’s hearing and sense of smell are complemented by exceptional daytime vision, their night vision being much less so. The age of a deer can be determined by the wear and tear on its molars.
  • Flora

    Massif des Monédières

    The Monédières massif is one of the seven landscape entities attached to the Millevaches Regional Natural Park in Limousin, covering an area of about 60 km². This preserved granite territory is located in the foothills of the Massif Central, to the south-west of the famous Millevaches plateau. Its dry moors are classified as Natura 2000 areas, synonymous with it being an exceptional site for flora and fauna.
  • Architecture

    Château de Lafarge

    The de Boisse family owned the Château de La Farge from the Middle Ages until the Revolution. In 1237, the Crusader knight André de Boisse paid an annuity on Lafarge’s land. The last lord who lived in La Farge was the Marquis Stanislas de Boisse who emigrated in 1881. In 1881, M. Talamon, a merchant in Paris, bought and restored the estate. For the garden, he called upon Edouard André, a famous landscape gardener.


  1. Go through the arboretum by the main track, then continue to the right as far as the road.
  2. At the crossroads, turn left after 200 m, then turn left again and go past an old oven.
  3. At the end of the road, turn right and then take the first left for 1 km to the village of Journiac (viewpoint over the Monédières).
  4. Turn left and continue on the path, then cross a stream and continue to a crossroads.
  5. (Outside the circuit: The rightmost path leads to the stele commemorating Marcelle Delpaste, the Occitan poet. (Round trip takes 20 mins).
  6. At the crossroads, turn left, then turn to the right into the village of Ciblac. Continue on the path at the end of the village for more than 1 km.
  7. (Outside the circuit: At the intersection, the path on the right leads to the chapel of Saint Dulcet. Round trip of 25 mins).
  8. At the intersection, turn left and take the road towards Chamberet. Go past the Chalets campsite and the tree-lined course to continue towards the village.
  9. At the stop sign, turn right and then, at the next crossroads, turn left towards Limoges. Go up as far as the Champ de Foire, turn left and go down Rue Marvent.
  10. On the bend, take the path on the left and return to the arboretum.
  • Departure : Maison de l’Arbre, Chamberet
  • Arrival : Maison de l’Arbre, Chamberet
  • Towns crossed : Chamberet


Altimetric profile

Information desks

1 place de la République, 19 260 Treignac

http://www.terresdecorreze.comaccueil@terresdecorreze.com05 55 98 15 04

1 Place de la Mairie, 19370 Chamberet

05 55 98 30 12

1 route de Schillingsfurst, 19370 Chamberet

http://www.maison-de-larbre.commaisondelarbre@orange.fr05 55 97 92 14


Nearest railway station: Lacelle (15km)
Bus: CFTA Tulle Line LR6

Access and parking

Coming from Treignac or Surdoux, by the D16. Coming from Lacelle, on the D132.

Parking :

Maison de l’Arbre, Chamberet

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