Saint-Setiers - Green Track

Saint-Setiers - Green Track

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A very easy circuit in the forests of Saint-Setiers. Ideal for "first steps" in mountain biking.
This circuit is part of the FFVélo Haute-Corrèze mountain bike base, the largest mountain biking area in France with 1000 km of marked circuits. It follows the cross-country ski trails of Saint-Setiers and can easily be followed by the blue, yellow and red trails.


Departing from the car park of the cross-country ski base. Go along the path that goes down towards the mini-golf.
  • Departure : Car park at Chalet de la Croix de la Mission, Saint-Setiers
  • Arrival : Car park at Chalet de la Croix de la Mission, Saint-Setiers
  • Towns crossed : Saint-Setiers


Altimetric profile

Information desks

1 place de L'Hôtel de ville, 19250 Meymac 19 60 00 30

Access and parking

From the D36 (Meymac-Felletin), follow the D174 towards Saint-Setiers. From the D36 (Meymac-Felletin), follow the D174 towards Saint-Setiers.

Parking :

Car park at Chalet de la Croix de la Mission, Saint-Setiers

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