Saint-Setiers - Yellow track

Saint-Setiers - Yellow track

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A very easy circuit in the forests of Saint-Setiers. Ideal for "first steps" in mountain biking.
This circuit is part of the FFVélo Haute-Corrèze mountain bike base, the largest mountain biking area in France with 1000 km of marked circuits. It takes up the cross-country ski tracks of Saint-Setiers and can easily be linked to the circuits of the red, green and blue tracks.

1 point of interest

  • Small patrimony

    The bust of Saint Sagittarius

    In the church, you can see the bust of Saint Sagittarius, the saint-evangelist of the plateau and patron saint of Saint Setiers. The bust is revered throughout the year and is permanently decorated with ribbons that symbolise the clothes of sick children.
    The Saint Sagittarius pilgrimage still takes place on the Sunday closest to 13 May. The saint's bust is taken out of the church and carried in procession to the good fountain where the water is taken. This is followed by a mass in the chapel.


Marking: yellow arrows
Departing from the car park of the cross-country ski base. Go along the path that goes down towards the mini-golf.

  • Departure : Car park at Chalet de la Croix de la Mission, Saint-Setiers
  • Arrival : Car park at Chalet de la Croix de la Mission, Saint-Setiers
  • Towns crossed : Saint-Setiers


Altimetric profile

Information desks

1 place de L'Hôtel de ville, 19250 Meymac 19 60 00 30

Access and parking

From the D36 (Meymac-Felletin), follow the D174 towards Saint-Setiers.

Parking :

Car park at Chalet de la Croix de la Mission, Saint-Setiers

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