The path of the donkey's soul to the Rio Negro
La Geneytouse

The path of the donkey's soul to the Rio Negro

Heritage site and architecture
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6 points of interest

  • Small patrimony

    Memorial to the Dead

    Built in the aftermath of the Great War by the Limousin architects Jouhaud de Verdier and Moreau, the monument was partly financed by the sale of the former presbytery. Sober and classical, it is entirely cut in granite and measures 4.33 metres. The obelisk is adorned with a cast iron palmette and a laurel wreath, symbols of victory, heroism and sacrifice, and a sword evoking bravery and power. Forty-six names are engraved on a marble plaque, and four others after the war of 39-45.
  • Small patrimony

    The monumental village cross

    Dating from the 17th century, this granite cross belonging to the public domain is erected on a masonry base bearing a long monolithic barrel. At the top, sculptures depict a Christ on a cross surrounded by the Virgin Mary and Saint John on the west side and a Virgin and Child under a canopy on the east side. Masks adorn the perimeter of the base of the cross. In front of the cross, an old tombstone, engraved with a cross embedded in a circle, serves as a repository for coffins.
  • Small patrimony

    The village of Le Theil

    A picturesque little hamlet with traditional stone farmhouses and an ancient cross.
  • Small patrimony

    The Village of Le Châtain

    Picturesque village with old farms and stone houses.
  • Small patrimony

    Abbey of Les Allois

    Known to have existed since the 12th century, the Abbey of Les Allois housed an important community of Benedictine nuns. Following its impoverishment, the abbey was abandoned in 1750. The sisters left the area to settle in the Quartier de la Cité in Limoges, giving their name to the Rue des Allois. Today, only one building remains from the abbey and has been converted into a dwelling. Some elements of the façade bear witness to its history: a carved shield, aligned corbels and a carved capital.
  • Small patrimony

    Cemetery of Les Allois and its monumental cross

    Located at the top of the cemetery in one of the main aisles, the monumental cross stands several metres high. Built in granite in 1899, it is surmounted by a cast-iron Christ on a cross. Around the cross, tombstones are carved in granite and carry painted porcelain plaques. Characteristic of the cemeteries in the Limoges area, these plaques bear witness to the importance of the porcelain industry in the region, of funerary art and personal and historical narratives.


  1. At the church square, exit the car park on the right and turn left onto the road leading to the stadium, then turn left before the houses.
  2. At the crow's foot, turn right.
  3. When you reach a small road, turn right.
  4. Take the path to the right that will take you to Le Theil.
  5. Once at Le Theil (farm), take the road on the right and then the path on the right.
  6. Cross the stream and take the path to the left.
  7. Once you reach the road, turn right and take it, then take the road on the left towards "Le Châtain".
  8. After the village, when you reach another road, turn right and take it.
  9. Take a small path on the left between the houses and continue straight ahead until you reach a minor road.
  10. Take this small road on the right and then turn right before the farm.
  11. At the end of the road, take the path to the right. Pass in front of the houses and continue down the sloping path. Pass by a pond.
  12. Take the road on the right, cross the D 12a and head towards "La Tuilerie". Go past the farm and continue straight ahead.
  13. Take the road to the right. Cross the D979 carefully, and go straight ahead towards "Saint-Léonard".
  14. At the end of the housing development, turn right and continue into the woods. At the next crossroads, go straight ahead.
  15. Continue straight ahead..
  16. Take the path on the right.
  17. Take the path to the right, then to the left onto the road.
  18. At the crossroads, turn right.
  19. Take the path on the left.
  20. Cross the field on the right, by "Le Sautadour".
  21. Be careful, and cross the D979, then take the path opposite and continue straight ahead.
  22. When you reach the road, turn left onto it.
  23. At the crossroads with the D979, take the small road on the right towards the cemetery.
  • Departure : Church, La Geneytouse
  • Arrival : Church, La Geneytouse
  • Towns crossed : La Geneytouse, Saint-Paul, and Eybouleuf


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Place du Champ de Mars, 87400 Saint-Léonard de Noblat 55 56 25 06

Access and parking

Parking :

Church car park, La Geneytouse


Emergency number :112

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