Garden of earth and stone

Garden of earth and stone

Heritage site and architecture
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The village of Masgot is a monument in itself: a string of sculptures runs through the streets. The visit continues, following paths lined with old dry-stone walls.

2 points of interest

  • Flora

    Lime trees in Les Essards

    Two 400-year-old lime trees.
  • Legend

    The Pierre Tournadoire

    Pause for a moment to discover its legend.


  1. Go into the village of Masgot. Walk alongside the Stone Centre and take the trail that begins at the end of the courtyard.Shortly after the hemp field and just before the watercress plantation, continue straight ahead. At the top, turn left and, at the next three intersections, turn right.Go straight ahead along the gently sloping path. Take a small detour to the right to discover the Tournadoire Stone and its strange legend.
  2. At the end of the path, at the cross, take the road to the left and continue along the path that extends it. At the junction, continue left towards Montgermain.
  3. At the edge of the village, take the D60 road to the left for 50 m, then the path to the left for 1 km.
  4. At the crossroads, in a shrubby area, turn right. Take the D60 road on the left again for 50 m, then the D17 to the right.
  5. In the bend, turn left onto a small trail that is not very visible from the road. After leaving a small road to the left, head onto the next path to the left and, 100 m further on, turn right. At the end of the path, follow the bend to the left and continue straight ahead between the houses to reach the D17. Turn to the right and carry on, out of the hamlet. Cross the D16 to continue for 200 m towards Fransèches.
  6. Veer left on the hairpin path. Follow the old route of the D16 road on the right until the exit on the bend, and then continue on the right on the uphill path. Take the D53 road on the left, and turn left at the crossroads to go through Le Frais. At the crow's foot, continue to the left until you reach the D16. Walk alongside this road to the right for about 50 m and then turn left to return to Masgot.
  • Departure : Parking, Masgot, Fransèches
  • Arrival : Parking, Masgot, Fransèches
  • Towns crossed : Fransèches


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Access and parking

10 km south of Ahun on the D16.

Parking :

Parking, Masgot, Fransèches

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