Water, fallen from heaven

Water, fallen from heaven

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Each commune in the Usselloise countryside has its own charm, and Saint-Fréjoux is no exception to the rule…
Take this trail to discover the wetlands and their history. Find out about the natural riches that water and land offer us, and especially how humankind uses them. Landscapes are ephemeral, so take advantage of them, because when you return, these places will have changed... On your return, the bell tower of the church of Saint-Fréjoux invites you to take a trip between the Romanesque and Byzantine styles.

6 points of interest

  • Heritage site

    Village of St-Fréjoux

    When you return from your stroll, be sure to explore the village of St-Féjoux which is the pride of its inhabitants, 291 of them, according to the latest census. First of all, the church of St-Fréduphe and its mysterious bulbous bell tower. A little further on, the cruck barn with its thatched roof. It is notable for its cruck frame. The rafters, the main structural members of the building, start from the ground and also serve as support for the walls of the building.
  • Heritage site

    The Dozanne

    The walk starts towards the wet meadows along the river Dozanne. This watercourse, which later took the name of the Ozanges stream and then the Gane river, flows into the Diège at the Chaumettes dam after a 20 km stretch between pastures and forests. 
  • Panorama

    Massif du Sancy

    Slightly off the circuit, this hike offers a view of the highest volcano in mainland France, the Puy de Sancy. At 1885 metres above sea level, this summit is the highest point of the Massif Central. The two streams, the Dore and the Dogne, originate there, and their confluence forms the Dordogne.
  • Flora

    Wet meadows

    Situated at the bottom of valleys, often in spring areas or on the bank of a stream that is barely flowing, wet meadows and peat bogs provide small reserves of fodder in times of drought. Livestock finds food there during very hot and dry weather events. In the spring, these areas are also good for dragonflies. 
  • History

    Motorway A89

    Nicknamed the "motorway of presidents" because it crosses the political strongholds of Valery Giscard d'Estaing, Jacques Chirac and François Hollande, the A89 links Bordeaux to Lyon by crossing the Massif Central. It is 550 km long and was put into service along its entire route in 2018. 
  • Small patrimony

    Bread oven

    The villages of Limousin were all strongly involved in agriculture. Walking through these hamlets always produces interesting discoveries during a hike: Barns, manor houses, crosses, traditional rural buildings... At the entrance to the village of la Vedrenne, don't miss the old bread oven.


Departure point below the town hall car park. Take the road going up towards Mons.
  1. After the turn, enter the gravel track on the right. Cross the stone bridge, keeping straight ahead at the next intersections you come across.
  2. At the crossroads, go straight ahead to Marsinchal. Go through the village to return to the departmental road.
  3. Follow it to the left then turn right towards Chassanaguilloux.
  4. After 600 metres leave this track (out of circuit: Go straight on for 100 m for the viewpoint over the Sancy massif) and take a small path on the left. At the bottom of the valley on the right, pass in front of the water catchment. Go back up to the road.
  5. Take the road to the right. Pass the houses, leave the first road on the left and take the second one. When you reach the last house, the road becomes a path that you follow straight ahead.
  6. At the road, turn right. Join the departmental road, straight ahead to the Maison Neuve.
  7. When you get to the house, turn left and then immediately right onto the track. This descends to the Dozanne and then rises again.
  8. At the crossroads, turn left and enter the village of La Vedrenne. At the track, turn right to reach the road which you follow on the left to get back to the starting point.
  • Departure : Town Hall car park, Saint-Fréjoux
  • Arrival : Town Hall car park, Saint-Fréjoux
  • Towns crossed : Saint-Fréjoux


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Rue Saint-Martin, 19200 Ussel

https://www.tourisme-hautecorreze.fr/05 19 60 00 30

Access and parking

From Ussel, follow the D45 towards the hospital. Continue towards Bort. Follow the road to St-Fréjoux by the D105 and the D49E3.

Parking :

Town Hall car park, Saint-Fréjoux

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